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Enhance your shop visibility and product sales using Shop Search Ads. Shop Search Ads feature your shop name, shop voucher, and products most relevant to shoppers*, with the option to customise your ad's picture and tagline.
Show your shop at the top position of the search results page and drive shoppers to discover your shop.
Bring relevant shoppers to your shop or product collection page to purchase your products.
Highlight your unique selling point, connect with shoppers, drive them to your shop or product collection.
You will only be charged when shoppers click on your ads. The cost will be deducted from your Ads Credit.
To protect sellers, Shopee system auto-detects invalid clicks, such as repeated clicks from the same shopper or automated clicks. You will not be charged for such clicks.
As multiple sellers advertise their shops with Search Ads, your ad competes with other ads to be displayed at the top of search results page.
Your ad exposure is determined by 2 factors*:
*Note: If your shop does not have enough products relevant to the keyword, your shop ad will not be shown to shoppers.
Shop Search Ads is currently open to sellers selected by Shopee with a good track record in sales and order ratings. Your eligibility is automatically updated every day.
Last updated: 3 May 2023
Apakah halaman ini membantu?
Why should I use Search Ads to advertise my shop?
How do I get started?
How will I be charged?
What determines my ad's exposure?
Who can use Search Ads to advertise their shops?